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50 Common Dream Interpretation

50 Common Dream Interpretation

If dream interpretation fascinates you, you are probably looking for the meaning of the dream you had last night. We bet it doesn't have the meaning you gave it at all.

What meaning can this dream have?
During the day you live a very normal life, but at night your dreams can be filled with fantastic flights, wanderings in strange houses, and chases.

Experts say these whimsical dream themes can say a lot about your real life. “In mental health, most of us today take an eclectic, or inclusive, approach to helping our clients interpret their dreams, using many techniques rather than relying solely on the symbols, says Arlene B. Englander, clinical social worker. However, some dreams that tend to be reported frequently may highlight issues the client is trying to resolve on a subconscious or preconscious level.

You look in vain for a bathroom
It's a common dream among women, according to astrologer Elisa Robyn. “It usually happens when you have too much to deal with and can't let go,” she says. This dream is especially common among women who have children and elderly parents.

Your teeth start to fall out
For Jungian therapist Cathy Lynn Pagano, this dream signifies an inability to digest what is going on in our lives. “Teeth are at the very beginning of the digestion process and when they fall out it means that the tools we usually have to understand and integrate what is going on in our life are no longer available or usable,” she says.

You are lost in a house
“It happens when you can't put a clear direction in your life,” says fourth-generation psychic Linda Lauren. You are looking for an answer in empty rooms. "

You are naked
“Usually it's when you feel vulnerable and unprepared or not up to a task,” says Elisa Robyn. But sometimes it can also mean a feeling of freedom and a new beginning. It depends on what is going on in the dream. ”

You are in the house of your childhood
How do you feel in this dream? This is perhaps the key to its interpretation. “The emotions that this triggers may be linked to those you had then, and which are recurrent today,” explains Arlene Englander. It can be very useful to explore this avenue. ”

You are being chased
“You're running from something you should face,” said Linda Lauren. Many people have this dream because they feel persecuted by someone or because they are running away from something that they should reveal. This dream betrays a fear of exposing oneself. ”

You are late or you miss a plane, an appointment, a meeting
Elisa Robyn explains that we often have these dreams when we have to get up early to catch a plane, for example. “It can also mean we're worried about an event, how it might turn, or even wondering if we should be there,” she says.

Your car breaks down
For Cathy Lynn Pagano, this indicates a change of course. “Our cars take us to our destination. When we dream of them breaking down, it may mean that we need to correct the way we achieve our goals, she says. But first check if your car needs repair! ”

Do you dream that you are falling (or really falling out of your bed during your dream)
This can happen during a lucid dreaming (when you take some control over the dreaming and are aware that you are dreaming), Linda Lauren says. “Lucid dreaming makes us feel like we're detached from everything, which causes this feeling of falling,” she says. Basically you have this dream when everything is going too fast, when you don't feel safe. ”

You dream of someone who has done you a lot of harm
“Trauma survivors may dream of their abusers and initially feel helpless. Over time, they can become stronger and stronger and able to defend themselves, says Arlene Englander. It may reflect their improved state of mind and self-esteem as they progress through therapy. ”

You are at school for an exam for which you are not prepared
“Dreams like this happen when something we have to do makes us anxious - about our performance,” says Cathy Lynn Pagano. We feel like we are unprepared for a task or an interview and it catches us off guard. ”

You frequent different places full of weird people and events
Elisa Robyn calls these dreams without context “wild dreams”. “They arise when we try to integrate the many aspects of our life, or on the contrary when we are unable to do so,” she says.

You fly
“Flying is a very positive dream,” says Linda Lauren. “It means you are achieving your goals. You accomplish things that lead to success. Everything is open to you. It is really a good thing to dream of flying. ”

You dream of death
“While these dreams can be scary, they usually signify the end of something, a new beginning,” says Elisa Robyn.

You dream of the death of a particular person
To dream of someone you know dying is sometimes a premonition, says Elisa Robyn. But it can also have a lighter meaning, according to Linda Lauren. “It lets you know that you have information that could help someone improve their life,” she says. It is not necessarily a premonition. People see death as something negative, but in dreams it is not. ”

You don't wear shoes
To dream of going on a mop without shoes can lead to an interesting interpretation. “It's mostly a question of leadership,” says Linda Lauren. It says that you are not ready to take the direction you want to take. ”

There is a tornado
It's such a common dream that Certified Dream Analyst Lauri Quinn Loewenberg has clients who dream of tornadoes once a week. It is mostly women who have this type of dream. “Dreaming about a tornado is very common among people who are worried,” she says. The weather phenomenon will reflect your emotions at the time of the dream. Tornadoes represent anxiety and worry out of control. Like the tornado, these emotions are a destructive force. ”

You are pregnant
According to Linda Lauren, to dream of having a baby takes on a different meaning depending on whether you are married or not. “If you're not, that's a wish,” she said. If you are, that could mean it's something you fear. ”

You're in a car out of control
To interpret this dream, pay attention to the person behind the wheel, advises Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. “If this is you, the dream is related to a situation you are trying to get control of. What are you trying to control at this time? What thing are you trying to sway direction from and fail to do? "

You travel
To dream of traveling by plane, train or car holds a lot of meaning, says Linda Lauren. “It reveals a desire for movement in your life,” she observes. It could be unfavorable in many ways. ”

You have a good time with an ex
This means you can't stop thinking about your ex… but it's not necessarily mutual. “That doesn't mean the person wants you to come back at all,” warns Linda Lauren. But rather that you're obsessed with that person you dated and just can't seem to get over it. ”

You argue with an ex
Dreams of arguing with someone you've been in a relationship with are quite different from dreams that bring you back to happier times, says Linda Lauren. “It's an indication that you haven't addressed a situation where you thought you were at fault and you haven't apologized for it,” she says. The arguments are generally related to our regrets. ”

You meet a celebrity
To interpret a dream of meeting a celebrity, Lauri Quinn Loewenberg says it's important to understand what this celebrity conjures up in the dreamer's mind. “The message that this dream conveys may be in the title of a song by this celebrity or maybe in the lyrics she says or in a character she plays,” she says. There is something that your subconscious recognizes that is relevant to you and your life at this time. ”

You dream of sex
“This reflects a problem of isolation, thinks Linda Lauren. In people who are alone, this could mean that they need to socialize more in real life. ”

You have nightmares
What interpretation should we give to the fact of constantly having nightmares, even if they change the theme from time to time? “If they are very common, nightmares reveal a deep fear that we want to face or that we are freeing ourselves from,” says Elisa Robyn.

Your partner is cheating on you
If your partner has ever cheated on you in reality, Lauri Quinn Loewenberg says this indicates that there is still mistrust. But the meaning of this dream is different if it never happened. Many people dream for no reason that their partner is cheating on them, and that can say a lot about their relationship.

"If the dream of cheating is not based on anything real, it is because there is an intruder in the relationship and it is not another person," says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. It's usually something else (work, newborn, video game), something that steals time and attention from the relationship, which you perceive as infidelity. These dreams are good for you because they highlight a problem that you need to fix. ”

There is water in your dreams
“Every time you dream of water it's emotional,” says Linda Lauren. It's related to something that is changing in your life. You don't know if it's good or bad, but it will affect your emotions. ”

You have sex with someone you shouldn't
Have you dreamed that you were sleeping with your boyfriend's boyfriend or your coworker's girlfriend? According to the interpretation of dreams, this does not mean that you secretly want to sleep with them, observes Lauri Quinn Loewenberg.

“It's important to remember that dreams are symbolic,” she says. Don't take them too literally. Sex in a dream doesn't mean that you need a physical relationship, but rather a psychological one. What qualities do you find impressive about this person that you could incorporate into your life? "

You keep a secret
To dream that you are keeping a secret which does not concern you in real life is however reflected here again in your reality.

“Maybe this is something you don't want other people to know about you,” says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. Perhaps you have a low opinion of yourself, or are you insecure? Maybe this is a personal point of view that you don't want to reveal in front of others. If you have a dream like this, ask yourself what you don't want people to know about you. ”

You have been unfaithful
Like dreams that your partner is cheating on you, dreams of infidelity say something about your relationship. “Your subconscious is trying to make you understand something,” says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. And you know you are spending too much time and energy on it, time and energy that your marriage does not enjoy. "

You discover a secret room
“This dream indicates aspects of your personality that are not yet revealed or exploited,” says social worker Annette Poizner. Perhaps the person who has always hated politics suddenly has an all-consuming passion for the subject, or a pure intellectual of a certain age discovers an interest in exercise. You may be on the threshold of discovering new ways of doing things, broadening your horizons and your interests. Take a look at what's in this secret room to see what that potential might look like.
You meet aliens
"Meeting aliens is the classic 'shadow dream' - what is most 'foreign' to us is ourselves, our higher selves, or the part of ourselves that we have repressed, says Kelly Sullivan. Walden, dream specialist. Dreams of aliens reveal our deep fears of rejection, loneliness and alienation. Maybe you are afraid to expose your real self for fear that you will be found weird. If your dream is in space, it may mean opening yourself to a universal perspective beyond ordinary earthly life, tapping into unexplored solutions. If you learn to harness these dreams and not be so afraid, you can take on a higher outlook that will help you meet your earthly challenges. ”

An intruder breaks into your home
“This intruder symbolizes some kind of negative element that has interfered with your routine or your peace of mind,” explains Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. Ask yourself what has changed in your ways and invaded your thoughts, and you will understand what your intruder represents. ”

You lost or forgot your child
There would be two ways to interpret this dream, Kelly Sullivan Walden tells us. New parents can have it as they prepare to raise their child, but it can also symbolize a creative project that you should take extra care of. “This dream draws our attention to the fact that we have to take care of the child in our life, but also on our own 'childish' side,” she said.

Try to think about new plans in your life and the best way to take care of yourself as you go through this transition, she suggests.

You broke your phone, TV or computer
“This type of dream usually highlights an issue you have with someone who matters in your life,” says Kelly Sullivan Walden. I believe this dream is trying to help you solve your problems by approaching them in a more intuitive, compassionate way. These dreams can be frustrating, but I believe they have a very positive purpose. They alert us to the fact that there is a problem in the way we communicate and inspire us to become creative, resilient and resourceful in the way we reach people. ”

You meet an attractive stranger
“It's what I call the 'mysterious lover's dream', says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. A stranger in a dream symbolizes a part of you. " For example, if you had a dream about an unknown man, it may represent traditionally masculine qualities that you want to channel into your actions.

You are the victim of a plane crash
Airplanes normally symbolize something to be strived for when it comes to interpreting dreams, says Kelly Sullivan Walden. To dream of a plane crash may signify that you are worried that you have failed to achieve a goal of yours.

"These dreams can be a helping hand to take your ego off and weigh you down so that you are lighter and less burdened," she explains. When our dream plane crashes, it could mean that we are just not ready to make our dreams take off yet, or that we need to mourn a dream that did not come true. You end up on the ground long enough to prepare yourself better, so that your next experience at the gate of life is ready for take off.

You are going for a great vacation
There are two ways to interpret this dream, says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. You're upset about something and you need a break, or you just need a vacation.

You make an important discovery
Pay attention! Many great personalities have found inspiration for their biggest ideas in their dreams, says Kelly Sullivan Walden.

You are unable to move or speak
If this is happening in your dream thread, it could be related to something going on in your life that is not moving fast enough, says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. But if it happens when you are more lucid, it could be a sign of sleep paralysis.

You have glass in your mouth
According to Kelly Sullivan Walden, these dreams point to a communication problem.

“Since glass is both fragile and can cut and hurt when it breaks, I believe that when we dream that we have glass in our mouth, it means that we may be angry, hurt, or fear that our words will hurt someone if we express them, ”says the specialist.

Ultimately, it's a message that prompts us to learn to express our negative feelings (by journaling, shouting into a pillow, or sharing with a trusted friend or advisor) and finding a more constructive way. to express our emotions and our needs.

You are living through an apocalypse
Violence in dreams can indicate anger, says psychotherapist Annette Poizner. It is also a common motif in the dreams of people who are trying to become more confident and stronger.

“Imagine a once inhibited person who has changed, who has become more tolerant of the manifestation of anger rather than its repression,” she says. This person, thinking back to the inhibitions of yesterday, may experience violent dreams when they come into contact with their own aggressive energy. This does not mean that she is going to become violent, but rather that she realizes this powerful energy within her, the need to give her special treatment. This energy is disturbing at first glance, but it constitutes an important resource when the old blockages have been blown. ”

You meet someone who died in real life
“Psychologically speaking, a dead person showing up in your dream is going to symbolize an aspect of your own personality,” says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. For example, if your late mother appears in your dreams, she may symbolize your own role as a mother or, if you don't have children, your caring and nurturing side.

You appear in a movie or television show
Annette Poizner says it comes into play on your ability to become more involved in the world around us, socially and emotionally, whether that is by getting involved in an organization or playing a public role.

"It can be the dream of the introvert who is about to develop more outgoing tendencies, or the person who has lived a life of withdrawal and is preparing to step into the limelight," she says. But while the secret chamber asks to look inside, this dream instead invites you to come out of your shell.

You're stuck, crushed
Annette Poizner says this dream might indicate external pressures like work or a relationship or your own inner tendencies manifested as physical symptoms of stress that are similar to those you experience when you are crushed. This can be accompanied by physical manifestations such as muscle tension and cramps.

You drown
“Water is often a symbol of excess, especially in dreams. It is associated with sensual pleasures or feelings that dominate the personality or other forms of excess or complacency, says Annette Poizner. The dream may indicate that we have lost control of our personal situation and are on the verge of chaos. ”

You dream of a snake
The dreamlike interpretation of the serpent depends on whether it is hostile or friendly, according to Shamanic energy specialist Brittney Marie. To dream of a snake often symbolizes our desire to let go of the old, to free ourselves from the past, ”she says.

You wear a mask or someone else is wearing it
According to , this means that you are trying to hide something. If you are the one wearing the mask, it may indicate that you are unhappy with the way you look. If someone else is wearing it, it could mean that there are powerful and deceptive forces around you.

You return to the school benches
Many people dream of going back to school, whether it's to take an exam they didn't study for or to search for their record. Lauri Quinn Loewenberg says most people dream of going back to high school where people feel more pressure and have less control over their situation than in other school settings. “It's very common and the reason is most of the time it's related to some kind of stress in your career and in your dream,” she says. In the dream, the fear, stress and anxiety can be directly related to real life. ”

You see birds explains that there are several interpretations of dream depending on the number and type of bird. A flight can mean freedom, blackbirds good or bad news, and a red bird can show an open heart.

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