, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: 8 Surprising Benefits of Cold

8 Surprising Benefits of Cold

8 Surprising Benefits of Cold

That frigid air that you curse all winter might just turn out to be a blessing for your body! Discover the many health benefits of cold.

It improves mood
Very cold weather is often bright and high pressure. This light is good for morale. It promotes the secretion of serotonin, the "happiness hormone". Natural light is also good for fighting fatigue. This is one of the ways to recharge your batteries in winter.

Cold is good for blood circulation
The cold shower wakes you up in the morning. Above all, by promoting the contraction of blood vessels, it improves venous circulation. The cells of the legs are better nourished and the wastes are well drained. For those who dread the cold, start the shower with cold water on the legs and only increase the heat for the upper body.

It mobilizes the right fat
Accumulating too much regular ("white") fat is bad for your health, but so-called "brown" fat is beneficial. It helps in particular to regulate body temperature. Two studies published respectively in 2012 by the University of Sherbrooke and in 2014 by the Australian doctor Paul Lee show that, under the effect of the cold, brown fat is activated and burns more calories.

It relieves allergies
If you sneeze in the spring or summer, winter might be your favorite season. The air pollen count is almost zero during this season. On the other hand, in cold weather, we tend to seal ourselves in the home, so reactions to household allergens can worsen. To reduce the growth of mold and dust mites, use a dehumidifier. And remember to ventilate every day, even if it is cold.

It promotes sleep
The body needs freshness to fall asleep; its temperature drops when you doze off. This is one of the reasons why we usually sleep so well in winter. And since the night stretches longer in the morning, we naturally wake up later.

It fights infections
The cold stimulates the immune system and therefore helps fight infections. So why is the flu so prevalent in winter? Because we stay inside too much! Promiscuity promotes the spread of the influenza virus. To reduce this risk, get vaccinated, wash your hands often, and get outdoors. If you're sick, try these essential oils for cold and flu relief.

It strengthens the heart
Training in the cold is great: the heart muscle gets stronger as you work harder to circulate blood and stabilize body temperature. However, if your heart is fragile, be careful: the extra effort could be dangerous.

It treats pain and inflammation
This is why physiotherapists use cold to relieve painful joints. Recently, cryotherapy has been in vogue. It subjects the whole body to intense cold for a very short time. Initially used for high level athletes, this method is now available to treat many ailments: rheumatism, muscle pain, insomnia, fatigue, stress.

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