, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Coronavirus - Russia: Vaccination is mandatory for people over 60 years of age

Coronavirus - Russia: Vaccination is mandatory for people over 60 years of age

Coronavirus - Russia: Vaccination is mandatory for people over 60 years of age

 Russia is introducing compulsory vaccination for people over the age of 60 with chronic diseases.

Compulsory coronavirus vaccination is being introduced in St. Petersburg for people over the age of 60 and for people with chronic diseases, according to a decision issued by the head of the St. Petersburg State Health Inspectorate, Natalia Basketova.

Mandatory becomes the vaccination and workers in the industry, the production of products, manufacturing, construction, transport and transport infrastructure, including workers at Pulkovo airport, the staff of airlines, seaports and personnel of ships.

Students over the age of 18 who do internships outside their institutions must also be vaccinated.

Vaccination with the first dose must be carried out by 15 December and with the second by 15 January, in order to vaccinate at least 80% of the total workforce.

According to the latest data, 735,739 cases of infection and 24,640 deaths have been recorded in St. Petersburg since the beginning of the pandemic. In terms of the number of infections, St. Petersburg ranks second among the regions of Russia after Moscow.

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