, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: 10 Newly Discovered Species of Wildlife

10 Newly Discovered Species of Wildlife

10 Newly Discovered Species of Wildlife

From crop dusting fish to cart wheeling spiders, we count down top 10 newly discovered species of wildlife.

10. The Weirdest Breakfast
When you think of the dinosaurs, what kind of creatures do you see? Large, prehistoric beast-lizards capable of tearing apart their enemies? Herbivores devouring entire forests? Carnivorous teeth aligned in droves? Well, how about chickens? Scientists recently discovered a unique bird-dinosaur hybrid, now called, Anzu Wyliei, that resembled an enormous Jurassic chicken. The Anzus apparently sat on eggs until they hatched, screamed through short, beak-like snouts, and donned a coat of feathers. This still doesn’t solve the chicken/egg paradox, but we’re one step closer.

9. Coral On Land
Some species hit their swan song and their final act at the same time. Balanophora Coralliformis, although recently discovered, is already marked as endangered. This coral-like plant grows exclusively high up in the mountains of the Philippines, which is pretty cool considering how identical it is to coral. The reason why it’s endangered is because it’s a parasite, and is thus unable to conduct photosynthesis. Instead, it must take nutrients from other organisms. That’s like expecting an all you can eat buffet in the middle of the Serengeti—the only thing in danger is you.

8. Dancing Queen
We’ve heard of dramatic—but here’s a spider you might actually enjoy watching. Meant for the stage, this critter, known as the Cebrennus Rechenbergi, cartwheels itself out of danger—as its moving body threatens and intimidates predators. When predators are not threatened, this spider cartwheels directly towards the predator in order to scare it away. We’re inclined to ask what happens if that doesn’t work. Maybe it can back-flip away. Is this acrobatic spider still terrifying? Let us know in the comments.

7. Half Thousand-Year-Old Plant, Half Super Deadly Killing Machine
Somehow threading the needle of two things tourists are warned not to touch by all means necessary, the Dendrogramma Enigmatica and D. Discoids are a mix of underwater coral and jellyfish. They also share genes with sea anemones, and their physical shape share a striking resemblance to ancient fossils—although these living organisms are quite squishy. That’s something we’d be able to elaborate on more if we actually touched them, but no amount of money is going to make us take that chance.

6. Bone-House Wasp
Anything with a name as terrifying as that is worth going over with excruciating detail so that if you ever see one in real life, you’ll know to run. The Deuteragenia Ossarium, also known as the Bone-House Wasp, is as scared of you as your are scared of it—with the wasp taking extreme measures to protect its babies. Like any caring parent, the wasp will pack over a dozen dead ants on top of its nest—letting the dead ants ooze out a grizzly chemical that wards off predators . Hailing from China, these wasps are very dangerous.

5. Breaking The Rules
The world currently has 6,456 species of frogs—but only one of those species is not like the others, and refuses to lay fertilized eggs. This new frog species, known as the Limnonectes Larvaepartus, gives birth immediately to tadpoles, grossly leaping over some very important frog development stages. What’s worse is that this species lives with five other frog species of the same genus in Indonesia. For all we know, this trend will start to spread and frog populations will boom out of control. That, or this is just a natural form of evolution and natural selection.

4. Walk Softly And Carry A Big Stick
There’s two places where you can find this menace—in the Royal Belgian Institute in Brussels, or Tam Dao, Vietnam. The Phryganistria Tamdaeoensis is part of the ‘Giant Sticks’ family because it hops around on long, long legs—measuring at nine whole inches. The record holder of the ‘Giant Sticks’ family reigns in at 22-inches, and with that, the option of seeing this species in a museum setting in Brussels is sounding far more appealing than falling asleep at night in Vietnam and waking up with one on your arm.

3. Ziggy Stardust Of The Deep Blue Sea
We’re going to try and pronounce this, even after all the others—Phyllodesmium Acanthorhinum. A type of deep sea slug, this species lives off the coast of Japan and flirts around the depths with a ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ status body. Seriously, whoever gave the name, ‘Rainbow’ away to the ‘Rainbow Fish’ was both uncreative and lazy—they should have held out for this vibrant specimen. Fun fact—this slug is doing work for scientists who have long tried to figure out the difference between slugs that eat coral and those that eat hydroids. To really put them to the test, maybe they should try to eat some of those deep sea coral/jellyfish.

2. Showboat Bouquets
The Christmastime Bromeliad, or Tillandsia Religiosa, ranks up there with the Philippine mountain coral—literally. Found only at altitudes of 6,000 feet and higher, this bright red plant is quite the spectacle, and it knows it. Christmas displays in Mexico have long welcomed this plant—though the actual classification of this plant species is finally catching on. Its strong tie to the holidays, both in name and in color, is tested only by the fact that it looks incredibly dangerous. It can also be used as a plus-size mistletoe.

1. M. Night Shyamalan’s Underwater Twist
Originally thought to be the drawings of shipwreck ghosts, it is now known that the Torquigener Albomaculosus has been the artist behind deep sea crop circles. Measuring at about six feet, these crop circles are actually spawning nests made by males to attract females—which is nice. It’s good to see a species that still values chivalry. The waves in the crop circles fend off prey from getting to fertilized eggs, although this fish can probably take a note from the Bone-House Wasp if it’s ever going to get serious about baby control. Hey guys fresh here and thanks for watching my video on top 10 newly discovered species of wildlife. If you have your own top 10 idea, leave it in the comment section below and your idea could be featured in a future video! And as always, don’t forget to like or subscribe if you already haven’t!

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