, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: How Do Desert Ants Prove Their Coolness?

How Do Desert Ants Prove Their Coolness?

How Do Desert Ants Prove Their Coolness?

Does hot weather make you lethargic? It doesn’t bother the Saharan silver ant: this hard worker keeps toiling away even in temperatures of 70 degrees Celsius and can flit across the hot desert sand without a care in the world. But how does it manage this without being fried to a crisp? Quite simply, its body hair functions like a cooling system. Covering their chitin exoskeleton is a dense coat of uniquely shaped hairs with triangular cross-sections that reflect light and emit heat. This means that their bodies can remain below the critical temperature of 53.6 degrees. Scientists hope to use nature’s handiwork to learn how to cool down technological devices quicker and more effectively.

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