, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Why is Dubai Importing Sand Into the Desert?

Why is Dubai Importing Sand Into the Desert?

Why is Dubai Importing Sand Into the Desert?

Dubai lies directly within the Arabian Desert – but despite its location the Arabic mega-city is importing millions of tons of sand from Australia. The city requires the material for the construction of new skyscrapers, because the local desert sand can’t be used as a building material – it is too fine for concrete and its rounded edges mean the grains do not grip together. The desert sand can’t be used for the manufacturing of large glass windows or the banking of islands either. Like Dubai, other large cities like Singapore also regularly purchase building sand for this purpose. It’s a booming business for Australia as the country earns up to $5 billion a year through the sales of sand. But all this comes at a price, as many ecosystems measuring thousands of square kilometres are being destroyed.

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