, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Why Would You Need Hacker-proof Jeans?

Why Would You Need Hacker-proof Jeans?

Why Would You Need Hacker-proof Jeans?

Credit cards are very desirable items for hackers hoping to access the data stored on their RFID (radio frequency identification) chips. These chips allow us to make contactless transactions, but represent a boon for hackers. Armed with a handheld RFID scanner, thieves can steal money from your card without even laying a finger on you. But a new brand of jeans, produced in association with Norton antivirus software, promises greater protection. The pockets are made of a hybrid material containing silver that blocks the signals. The only downside? The pockets obstruct all signals, including mobile phone reception.


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