, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: ELSTAT-Business: The champions in turnover growth in October

ELSTAT-Business: The champions in turnover growth in October

ELSTAT-Business: The champions in turnover growth in October

The largest increase was presented by the companies in the sector "Activities of accommodation services and catering services".

The turnover of the country's businesses increased by 5.54 billion euros or 28.5% in October this year, with the largest increase being recorded in the companies that are active in the provision of accommodation and catering.

In particular, as announced by ELSTAT , for all businesses in the economy with the obligation to keep diplographic books, for which data are available on a monthly basis, the turnover in October 2021 amounted to 24,799,602 thousand euros, an increase of 28.5 % compared to October 2020, which had amounted to 19,295,499 thousand euros.

The largest increase was presented by the companies in the sector "Activities of accommodation services and catering services " by 82.2%. The smallest increase was presented by the companies in the sector "Water supply, wastewater treatment, waste management and remediation activities" by 2.9%, while the largest decrease was recorded by the companies in the sector "Mines and quarries" by 11.7%.

For the companies that were put into operation in March 2020 with the obligation to keep bibliographic books, for which data are available on a monthly basis, the turnover in October 2021 amounted to 1,808,446 thousand euros, an increase of 27.6% compared to with October 2020, which had amounted to 1,416,800 thousand euros.

The largest increase was presented by companies in the sector "Production of motion pictures, videos and television programs, recordings and music publications" by 364.6%. The smallest increase was presented by the companies in the sector "Gambling and betting" by 7.5%, while the decrease was recorded by the companies in the sector "Activities of organizations" by 4.9%.

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