10 Subtle Signs of Disease on the Feet
Learn how to spot the signs on your feet that could indicate serious illnesses like diabetes, thyroid conditions, and heart disease, before you even see a doctor.
You notice that your feet are dry and scaly
You could have thyroid problems, especially if a moisturizer doesn't correct it. When the thyroid (a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck) becomes diseased, it produces less thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism, blood pressure, tissue growth, and the development of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Marlene Reid, a podiatrist from Napierville, Illinois, explains, “Thyroid problems cause dry skin. When we notice cracking of the skin on the feet or if a moisturizer does not make the dryness go away in a few days, we suggest that patients see their doctor to make sure their thyroid gland is healthy. " Brittle nails can also signal thyroid problems.
You notice hairless toes
You could have arterial disease. If the hair on your toes suddenly disappears, it could indicate poor circulation caused by peripheral arterial disease (PAD). "The symptoms are decreased hair growth on the feet and ankles, purplish toes, and thin or shiny skin," says Suzanne Fuchs, podiatric surgeon at North Shore University Hospital.from New York. PAD, a buildup of plaque in the arteries of the legs, affects approximately 8 million Americans. Symptoms are hardly noticeable, but doctors can detect it by taking a pulse on the foot pad or by a stain on an X-ray. "When I notice hardening of the arteries on an X-ray of a fractured foot, I'm 99% sure of a similar condition in the myocardial blood vessels," says Gary A. Pichney, podiatric surgeon at the Institute for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction. at the Mercy Medical Center.
You notice sores that do not heal
“It could be a sign of diabetes. Uncontrolled blood sugar damages nerves and causes poor circulation, so blood does not reach the feet. When blood does not get to an injury caused, for example, by rubbing shoes, the skin does not heal properly. Many people with diabetes are diagnosed with foot problems, ”says Dr. Reid. Other symptoms of diabetes are tingling or numbness in the feet. Ask your doctor for a blood sugar test.
You experience painful inflammation of the big toe
It could be an attack of gout, a type of arthritis that usually affects the big toe joint. Do you only eat steak and wine? Foods high in purine, a chemical found in red meats, fish, and some alcohols, can trigger a gout attack by raising the level of uric acid in the body. Uric acid is normally excreted in the urine, but may be produced in large quantities or not excreted in sufficient quantities in some people. “Most often you see uric acid deposition in the big toe or ankle,” says Bob Baravarian, chiropodist and foot and ankle specialist at Providence Saint John's Health Center., in Santa Monica, California. The patient wakes up with a red, swollen joint. It is extremely painful. ” If necessary, a doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs for relief and suggests a low purine diet for prevention.
You notice tiny red lines under a fingernail
It could be a heart infection. Red streaks under the toenails or fingers attest to the rupture of blood vessels, thread-like hemorrhages. They occur when small blood clots damage the capillaries under the nails. They can indicate endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart. People who have heart disease, wear a pacemaker, or have weakened immune systems (such as cancer patients on chemotherapy, people with HIV, and diabetes) are at greater risk of developing endocarditis. This infection leads to heart failure when left untreated. If you notice thread-like hemorrhages under your nails, without previous trauma, In order to stay healthy, eat the best foods for preventing heart disease.
You notice a deformation of the feet
It could be lung cancer or heart disease. The deformity of the epiphyses of bone in a golf club, in the toes and fingers, is often synonymous with lung cancer, chronic lung infection, heart disease, or bowel disease. Lung cancer and heart disease decrease vascular resistance, which increases blood flow to the small arteries in the toenails and fingers, swells tissue, and causes deformation of bone epiphyses (fingers and toes become rounder and thicker. wide). Although patients are generally aware that they have a disease causing the deformity, it is best to consult their doctor.
You find that the surface of the nails is riddled with holes
It could be psoriasis. If you see small holes, grooves, or streaks in your toenails, you might be suffering from nail psoriasis. Although most people with nail psoriasis also have generalized psoriasis (an autoimmune disease that parchments and irritates the skin), 5% of people with nail psoriasis are not affected elsewhere. "If you've never seen psoriasis in your home, but your nails are cracked, you should see a doctor," Pichney says. The other symptoms are white spots and horizontal lines on the nails. To treat psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe topical creams or steroids to be injected under the nail. Be careful if you see any of these spots and lesions appearing on your body.
You have spoon nails
You could be suffering from anemia or lupus. Is there a depression in your nail deep enough to hold a drop of water? Also known as koilonychia, the spoon-shaped nail deformity can indicate iron deficiency, hemochromatosis (an overproduction of iron), Raynaud's disease (which affects the blood supply to the extremities), and sometimes , lupus erythematosus (an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack cells, tissues and organs). Spoon nails sometimes appear in infants, but this corrects itself in the first years of life. If you notice a spooned nail, see your doctor. Your doctor will do a blood test to determine the exact cause. Know the symptoms and warning signs of lupus that you should never ignore.
You notice a straight line under your fingernails
It could be skin cancer. A dark vertical line under a fingernail could indicate malignant melanoma of the extremities or hidden melanoma, a form of skin cancer that appears in less visible parts of the body. The other hidden melanomas are melanomas of the eye and of the mouth. “A black line appears, which runs from the base of the nail to the end,” Pichney says. The patient should consult a podiatrist or dermatologist to ensure that it is not a fungus (usually brownish-yellow in color, and the line is not continuous). "Although only 5% of all diagnosed cases of melanoma are of the hidden type, it is most common in people with dark skin.
You notice an increase in the arch of the foot
It could be neurological damage. “Most very arched feet are associated with some form of underlying neuromuscular disease,” Pichney says. If anyone notices thinning of the plantar muscles, it could indicate a neurological disease called Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT). ” This inherited disease damages peripheral nerves (nerves other than those in the brain and spinal cord). CMT can also lead to changes in gait, numbness, difficulty maintaining balance, loss of muscle in the legs, and later similar symptoms in the arms and hands. See your doctor if you notice any abnormalities. “Anytime you see any changes in your feet, see a podiatrist immediately,” suggests Dr. Reid.