, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: 20 Uses of Toothpaste

20 Uses of Toothpaste

20 Uses of Toothpaste

Did you think the use of toothpaste was limited to cleaning teeth? Find out how it can be used for many other things around the house.

Remove scuffs from shoes
The toothpaste will work wonders on your leather shoes. Spread a little bit on the damaged area and rub with a soft cloth. Remove it with a damp cloth. The leather will look new.

Clean the piano keys
Have the keys turned yellow? Clean them with toothpaste and a toothbrush, then rinse with a damp cloth. Basically, it's not crazy since the ivory tusks are in fact elephant teeth! But toothpaste will do the same job on modern pianos whose keys are covered with plastic, not real ivory.

Clean sports shoes
To clean the plastic bands of your running shoes, take regular toothpaste (not gel) and an old toothbrush. After rubbing well, remove the toothpaste with a damp cloth.

Clean the iron
The abrasive found in classic toothpaste is perfect for removing dirt that collects on the iron's hotplate. Apply toothpaste to the iron (when it is cool), rub with a cloth, then rinse.

Polishing a diamond ring
Put a dab of toothpaste on an old toothbrush and shine the diamond. Remove residue with a damp cloth.

Deodorize bottles
Bottles always smell like milk out. The toothpaste will quickly remove this odor. Put toothpaste on the bottle brush you use to clean the bottles, rub well and rinse thoroughly.

Prevent fogging of goggles
Whether you are woodworking, skiing or diving, nothing is more frustrating… and dangerous than foggy glasses. It will not happen if you smear toothpaste on the glass of glasses before rinsing them well.

Prevent fogging on the bathroom mirror
You cut yourself while shaving: sure enough, the mirror is fogged up. Next time, spread toothpaste (classic not gel) on the mirror and remove it before going in the shower. When you come out, the mirror will be completely clear.

Shine the chrome in the bathroom and kitchen
Commercial products contain a very fine abrasive. If you don't have one, take toothpaste (classic, not gel) which also contains an abrasive and will also be effective. Spread some and polish with a soft dry cloth.

Clean the sink
Classic toothpaste is as effective as a household product. Squirt it into the bathroom sink and scrub with a sponge, then rinse. As a bonus, the toothpaste will remove all odors that come up the drain pipe.

Erase the pencil on the walls
Do your children show imagination on the walls of their rooms? Roll up your sleeves and grab a tube of regular toothpaste (not gel) and a rag - or better yet, a brush. Squirt the paste on the wall and rub. The fine abrasive in the toothpaste will “erase” the marks on the colored pencils. Rinse the wall with water.

Remove ink or lipstick stains from fabric
A pen has leaked into your shirt pocket! It's all going to depend on the fabric and the ink, but it's worth a try before you resolve to throw the shirt away. Apply regular toothpaste (not gel) to the stain and rub vigorously. Rinse it off with water. The ink has faded? There is hope: repeat a few times until it's all gone. Do the same for the lipstick stains.

Remove water marks from furniture
You still place coasters, but some guests don't. To get rid of those unsightly circles, rub them with a soft cloth and regular toothpaste (not gel). Then wipe with a damp cloth to remove residue and let dry before polishing.

Remove beach tar
It's not pleasant on vacation to find your toes stained with the tar that you sometimes find on beach sand, but it's easy to remove it by rubbing it with regular toothpaste (not gel), then to rinse well.

Eliminate pimples and blackheads
Dab a little classic toothpaste (not in gel), without bleach, on the inflamed pimple or blackhead: it should have dried the next day. The toothpaste dehydrates the pimple and absorbs the sebum. This home remedy is most effective when the pimple is ripe. It can also be irritating to sensitive skin.

Deodorize hands
The ingredients in toothpaste that deodorize the mouth are also effective on the hands. If you've touched something smelly, wash your hands with toothpaste and they'll smell good again.

Calm insect bites
Put some toothpaste on the bite or sting to soothe the itchiness. It also works to soothe a burn on the skin.

Remove a stain from a carpet
Rub toothpaste on the carpet stain with a toothbrush or sponge. Rinse off with water and repeat the process until the stain is gone.

Clean dirty headlights
To make the car's headlights look new again, put toothpaste on a sponge and rub in circular motions. Remove residue with a damp cloth.

Remove scratches from your phone screen
Rub toothpaste on the screen or the back of your cell phone where the scratches are. The toothpaste will remove some of the marks and your screen will look better!

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