, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Australia: A man chases a crocodile, chasing him with ... a pan

Australia: A man chases a crocodile, chasing him with ... a pan

 An owner of a pub in Australia, like another "Crocodile", chases the reptile from the yard of his shop with a pan and goes viral.

Kai Hansen, a pub owner from Australia, as soon as he saw a crocodile approaching his plot, wasted no time, grabbed a pan and attacked it.

He himself, having a pub by the river, knows well what it is like to face a crocodile. Only this time, his reaction was recorded on video.

As you can see the crocodile has emerged from the river and the bushes, heading towards the pub. The owner, leaving the store and having a pan in his hands, starts attacking him, forcing him to retreat.

Following the posting of the above video on the internet, there were several users who claimed that the man abused the animal unnecessarily, while others took his side, stressing that he was forced to hit the animal in order to protect himself and the customers of the store.

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