, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Macron Discourse: Blocked the scenario of a national unity government

Macron Discourse: Blocked the scenario of a national unity government

 Emanuel Macron spoke in his speech about his meetings with the leaders of the parties in the French Parliament, who ruled out the idea of ​​a government of national unity. What he said.

The French President, Emanuel Macron, addressed the French people in his short sermon on concessions and collaborations.

In his speech, Emanuel Macron initially spoke of a strong abstention in Sunday's election. Addressing the French people, he said: "On April 24, you renewed your confidence in me by electing me President of the Republic. I would like to congratulate the Members who won your votes here. My thoughts are also with the outgoing deputies, the losers ".

As the French President said, "First of all, I can not ignore the strong abstention that obliges us all to give more prominence to our collective actions in the great democratic assemblies. Nor can I ignore the rifts, the deep divisions that run through our country and are reflected in the composition of the new Parliament ".

He then referred to the meetings with the other leaders of the parliamentary parties. "Most of the leaders I have spoken to have ruled out the idea of ​​a national unity government, which, in my view, is not justified. "(…) So I believe that it is possible, in this critical moment that we live in, to find a larger and clearer majority for action", said Emanuel Macron. "So I hope, in the coming weeks, that this political transgression will continue with clarity and responsibility," he continued.

Emanuel Macron then called for "learning to govern and legislate differently" in response to the "fractures" revealed by the parliamentary elections. "No political force today can legislate on its own. "The presidential majority is indeed relevant," he said.

Jean-Luc Melanson: Macron to resign if he does not have the confidence of Parliament

Jean-Luc Melanson immediately reacted to Emanuel Macron's speech: "There can be no reality other than this: the executive is weak and the National Assembly is strong. Nothing should allow the democratic demand to be ignored. The Prime Minister must appear before the National Assembly. "If he does not have the confidence of Parliament, he must resign," he said, while the President of the Republic did not mention the name of Elizabeth Bourne in his speech.

"There is no reason to ignore the reality: the prime minister must appear before the National Assembly and ask for its trust," he reiterated. "Power must remain with the law of democracy. The vote of confidence must pass or fail. We do not need to go any further, since reality is what will remain.

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