, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Britain: At 9.1% inflation and nightmare forecast for the future

Britain: At 9.1% inflation and nightmare forecast for the future

 The inflation wave is still hitting the British economy with the forecasts even talking about an even worse continuation.

Inflation in the UK rose sharply in May.

It now stands at 9.1% while in April it had moved to the level of 9% according to the data of the National Statistical Office of Britain.

This percentage remains the highest recorded in the country since 1982 when inflation had climbed to 10.2%.

Most worrying, however, has to do with the forecast of the Bank of England, which has warned in time that inflation will break the 1982 record, reaching 11% during the year.

Analysts conclude that commodity prices are rising at the fastest rate in 45 years, with all that that means for households.

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