, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Elon Musk: His 18-year-old daughter changes gender and name - "I do not want any relationship with him"

Elon Musk: His 18-year-old daughter changes gender and name - "I do not want any relationship with him"

 Elon Musk's daughter, formerly known as Xavier Alexander Musk, chose to change her gender and name at the age of 18. She wants to break off all ties with her father.

Elon Musk's daughter from his first marriage petitioned to change her name, saying she did not want to be related to her biological father "in any way, shape or form" and that she wanted her new gender identity to be reflected in her documents.

The daughter of Musk and his first wife, Justin Wilson, was formerly named Xavier Alexander Musk. The couple divorced in 2008.

Musk's daughter, who recently turned 18, identifies herself as a trans woman and has applied to change her name according to her new gender identity in the Los Angeles County Superior Court in Santa Monica in April.

"I no longer live or want to have a relationship with my biological father in any way, shape or form," the statement said, according to Reuters.

Her new name now appears in an online document, as the agency points out. However, according to a TMZ article, she wants to change her name to Vivian Jenna Wilson, in order to go along with both her gender identity and her mother's first name.

The hearing for the name change application will start on Friday, according to the publication.

The exact reasons why the rift between Musk and his daughter has occurred are not yet clear.

Musk avoids answering relevant questions either through his lawyer or through Tesla's liaison office.

Musk's political stance on trans people

One month after the change was filed in court, the head of Tesla and SpaceX, which is trying to acquire the $ 44 billion Twitter social media platform, said he supported the Republican Party, which has Adopts a number of laws that seek to restrict trans community rights in many US states.

Mr. Musk has also, in the past, christened the idea of ​​preferring the pronouns "aesthetic nightmare".

"I fully support trans people, but all these pronouns are an aesthetic nightmare," Musk wrote on Twitter in 2020.

That same year, Mr. Musk wrote in another tweet that "pronouns suck."

Musk and Wilson were married in 2000 and lived together for eight years. They also have a son named Griffin.

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