, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Solts: "Partnership with Russia unthinkable in the near future"

Solts: "Partnership with Russia unthinkable in the near future"

 Olaf Solz ruled out any cooperation with "Putin's" aggressive imperialist Russia "in the near future, calling it" unthinkable. "

"Europe stands united on the side of the Ukrainian people," said Chancellor Olaf Soltz. - Russia. He also acknowledged that "we are too far away" from the Kiev-Moscow talks.

"We will do everything to maintain an international order based on law and not violence (….) But Ukraine and only Ukraine decides what is right for it in possible negotiations with Russia. "Nothing for Ukraine without Ukraine," the chancellor told the Federal Parliament in a briefing ahead of next week's European Council.

Mr Soltz also referred to the need to rebuild Ukraine, calling it a "multi-generational project", as was clear from the situation in Irpin, which he visited last week. The situation is reminiscent of images from German cities after the end of World War II.

"And like war-torn Europe then, Ukraine today needs a Marshall Plan to rebuild it," he said, noting that Germany is always at the forefront of aid and solidarity. "The EU has mobilized billions of euros in aid. "But we will need a lot more for reconstruction - and in the coming years - and this is only possible by joining forces." Ukraine, which will help it on its European path.

On the threat of a food crisis, Olaf Solz called for solutions to the Ukrainian grain that remains blocked, "while the world is in dire need of it" and referred to the UN assessment of "the worst famine in decades".

He even warned of the danger of Russia and China taking advantage of the situation if there is no solidarity for the affected countries and stressed the need for the message that "the world's democracies stand united in the fight against hunger" to come from the Summits. G7, EU and NATO Summit.

"And the goal is 27 times 'yes' to Ukraine and Moldova," he said, noting that the EU "must finally keep its promises to the West Of the Balkans ". This, however, he clarified, requires reforms in the EU itself, for less unanimity and more decisions by a qualified majority, e.g. in foreign policy, but in any case, the accession of a country presupposes that the "Copenhagen criteria" are met, with particular emphasis on the rule of law, the justice system and the protection of minorities.

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