, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Tragedy in Texas: Mother forgot 5 year old in the car - The boy died from the heat

Tragedy in Texas: Mother forgot 5 year old in the car - The boy died from the heat

 A mother in Texas left her 5-year-old son in the car for three hours, causing the child to die from the high temperature.

The tragedy that took place in Texas, USA, does not fit the human mind, with a 5-year-old boy dying from the high temperature in the car, where his mother had forgotten it.

According to the New York Post, it all happened on Monday afternoon, when the mother, returning from shopping, parked outside her house and after carrying the bags, left the 5-year-old boy in the car and started the preparations for the 8-year-old's party. her daughter.

The I.X. was parked under the sun, causing dangerous temperatures to develop and the child to lose his life. After 3 hours, the mother realized that the child was not at home.

Then he realized that he had forgotten it in the vehicle and as soon as he got out, he found the 5-year-old dead in the car. The county sheriff confirmed that the child died after staying in the car for several hours.

The mother claimed that her son knew how to take off his seat belt and get out of the vehicle, however, the car was rented and the child was not familiar with the way he unlocked it.

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

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