, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Top 10 Next Natural Disasters Predicted by Science

Top 10 Next Natural Disasters Predicted by Science

Top 10 Next Natural Disasters Predicted by Science

The good thing about global warming is that it doesn't take us from the back. In the genre announced, it is indeed announced. We will not be able to say that we did not know. But global warming is not the only disaster that science has predicted and that will fall on our face like a loose scaffolding: in fact, researchers know very well that the worst is to be expected everywhere in the world. world.

1. The big one in California
One fine day, or maybe one night, there will be a mentally ill earthquake on the American West Coast. The San Andreas fault will be expensive, we will call the event the "Big One" and at the end of the phenomenon, California will be reduced to ashes. This event can happen very quickly, including before the end of the century.

2. The disappearance of Istanbul because of the tectonic plates
Located on the border of two tectonic plates, Istanbul is constantly at risk of a large-scale earthquake that could almost completely destroy it. Because it seems that the flaw is now blocked, which is much more dangerous than if the flaw were still mobile.

3. Amsterdam and Venice under water
As soon as the water level rises, Venice finds itself inundated. It is the same with Amsterdam, part of which is located 6 meters below sea level. With global warming and the melting of the ice, it is only to be feared that these two cities could end up being engulfed in the waves. , new Atlantis sacrificed on the altar of economic growth.

4. The Yellowstone Threat
In Yellowtone National Park, there is a dormant volcano that threatens to wake up. In total, 90,000 people are threatened by the imminence of a major volcanic eruption in one of the most touristic sites in the United States.

5. Solar storms
Some scientists fear that we are entering periods of recurring solar storms, which could generate global warming but also have repercussions on our electricity grids, our radio waves and our satellites. That is to say thousands of billions of euros lost.

6. The seismic fault that runs along Chile
The earthquake suffered by Chile in 2014 opened cracks that could cause other earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 8.5 on the Richter scale. If Chile is rather well provided against seismic risks, a huge earthquake could still generate immense trouble, even the outright destruction of the country. Which is not cool when you think about it.

7. The risk of seeing the East American coast swallowed up
Hurricane Sandy, which hit in 2012, was of rare power and is not expected to recur regularly under other stage names. That said, global warming and sea levels are causing meteorological authorities to fear an upsurge in devastating hurricanes, the ultimate goal of which could simply engulf cities on the east coast of America by 2050. New York, in particular , is one of the most threatened cities in the world by rising sea levels and climate change.

8. The Lake Toba volcano
Located in Sumatra, this supervolcano could, according to some vulcanologists, wake up soon. In this case, we would end up with an eruption so powerful that it could cripple air traffic all over the planet and have a direct effect on the global climate. Moreover, the density of population on the island of Sumatra means that such an eruption would be absolutely catastrophic on the humanitarian level. And the latest readings show intense gas and volcanic activity on the Lake Toba side.

9. The end of the world
When I was born, it was scheduled for a minimum of 4 billion years from now when the sun engulfed us. Suddenly, now, it will be in a little less time, but still.

10. A Breton variant
After a surge of hope following the discovery of a vaccine against the Covid, we hit ourselves with a sledgehammer with the variants that are unraveling. I'm telling you, we only have one thing to fear, which is that there are regional variants in France.

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