, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: George W. Bush increasingly lonely

George W. Bush increasingly lonely

George W. Bush increasingly lonely

Members of the Republican caucus in the House of Representatives have expressed reservations about US policy in Iraq.

Eleven members of the Republican House of Representatives in the House of Representatives, who were received by US President George W. Bush in the presence of his advisers, at the White House on Thursday, expressed their reservations about the US strategy in Iraq, while presiding in September he will not be able to count indefinitely in support of his party, said MP Ray Lahoud. Eleven MPs belonging to the "moderate" wing of the Republican Party. " The members of the parliamentary group of very honestly told President Bush that things should change that will demonstrate patience until September so we have to make an honest assessment of the situation there"It is now clear that the US president, with his uncompromising policy in Iraq, is gradually moving away from his own party. After all, those who do not see or do not see the impasse of American policy. In Iraq, it's the White House "hawks" led by Mr Bush, with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Presidential Adviser Karl R.

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