, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Internet video of the assassination of Iraqi officials

Internet video of the assassination of Iraqi officials

Internet video of the assassination of Iraqi officials

An al-Qa'eda affiliate has released a video of the killing of nine abducted police and army officers.

An al-Qaeda-linked group has released a video showing the killing of nine abducted police and army officers. The self-proclaimed "Islamic State of Iraq" group, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda, has released a video on the Internet showing the killing of nine abducted police and army officers after an ultimatum was issued by the Iraqi government. abducted, kneeling in a field executed by a fighter of the organization, who shoots them in the head with a pistol. The group, among other demands, had asked the government to hand over within 72 hours the officers involved in the alleged rape of a Sunni Muslim woman, in order to exchange them with the abductees.

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