, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Sarkozy is getting a job

Sarkozy is getting a job

Sarkozy is getting a job

Nicolas Sarkozy made his first appearance since being elected on Thursday alongside the outgoing president

Nicolas Sarkozy made his first appearance since his election on Thursday alongside the outgoing president. Renewed by the mini-holidays, Nicolas Sarkozy is preparing to take over the reins of France, after his inauguration on May 16. On Thursday, he attended a ceremony in memory of the victims of slavery with Jacques Chirac in Paris. At the same time, he began intensive contacts with foreign leaders and was preparing for the June parliamentary elections. On Friday, he will meet with British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Paris. It is known that the two men have a very good relationship, who share common views on economic policy. Immediately after his inauguration, Nicolas Sarkozy will visit German Chancellor Angela Merkel. New party by Bairou The establishment of a new party was announced by the centrist François Bairou, who had emerged third in the first round of the presidential elections in France. The party is called the "Democratic Movement" and will claim seats in the French parliament, although 23 of the 29 members of the previous party have already left Bairou. The center-right leader called on his cadres to mobilize for "a new independent political force", away from the old right-left divisions. Many fear the new party will not secure a seat in parliament, but Bairou said it was worth the risk to let voters know they would have independent defenders in the National Assembly.

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