, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Dong Quai

Dong Quai

Dong Quai

Also called TANG KUEI
The Supreme Woman’s Root

his native of China is a member of the carrot family and a relative of Angelica archangelica, an herb that is credited with angelic virtues. The plant has a flowing design that branches out with rich, green, serrated leaves and umbrellalike clusters of tiny white flowers. Its root is brown and fleshy.
Dong quai is a favorite in Chinese blends, and more than two thousand years of use has given it a reputation as the supreme female tonic, but it is equally valuable for both sexes. It is a totally wholesome herb with a broad spectrum of health-enriching properties.
“Chi” Energy. Dong quai is a vital energy tonic with high-level nutrition that builds “Chi” energy, to strengthen the vital life force. It is also known as a dispersing herb—one that can “move” stagnated body fluids (such as the blood) and redistribute the fluids throughout the body for more balance and harmony in the whole body system. It has a very special ability to penetrate small, thin passageways to remove stagnation.
Digestion. A fine digestive regulator, dong quai eases bloating, soothes stomach cramps, calms the entire digestive tract.
Disease Resistance. Dong quai is antiviral, antifungal, and it fights bacteria. It contains selenium, which helps to build your body’s natural barrier to disease, and it has antioxidant vitamin E, for proper absorption of selenium. It also contains silica for tissue repair, iron for healthy blood, and a wealth of other nutrients to strengthen your immunity.

Heart and Blood. It is the most respected heart tonic in the East, because it can dispel patterns of blood stagnation, and that helps to dissolve blood clots. It increases circulation, improves coronary function, and stimulates the production of red blood cells. Its overall effect is soothing, which helps to stabilize minor heart irregularities, and it relaxes the heart muscle to relieve stress on the heart.
Liver. Disperses stagnant energy and clears liver toxins.
Muscles. Dong quai is a restorative tea for muscles and joints. It’s antirheumatic and the dried herb or herb from a tea bag can be used externally as a topical compress on the site of an arthritic or rheumatic ache. To make a topical compress, soak a white cotton cloth in hot dong quai tea and apply to the site. It penetrates deep to reduce inflammation, remove toxins, ease aches, and it stimulates circulation to relieve pressure on the site.
Nerves. Dong quai tea carries nutrients for internal tranquillity, including magnesium, B12, and vitamin E. It’s also warming.
PMS. Dong quai is a relaxing tea for menses disorders, including PMS tension—it contains zinc and calcium, which are often lacking in women who struggle with PMS depression.
Special Feature: Supreme Woman’s Menopause
This is the soundest herb to use for the cycle of hormonal change. It stabilizes estrogen/progesterone production, and it does it without estrogenic properties. It’s a powerful source of nutrients to boost vitality. It guards your heart, and helps to build bone marrow which can be a defense against osteoporosis—two very important concerns in menopause. It’s a soothing, sweet drink that calms your nervous system and eases internal stress. It stimulates circulation, which enhances concentration and memory. It contains a healthy amount of antiaging vitamin E.
Caution: Avoid dong quai if you have diabetes.
Beneficent Part: Root
Properties: High in Vitamin E; Iron, Vitamins A, B3, B12, B-Complex, C, Calcium, Sodium, Zinc, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Silicon—Volatile Oil, Bitter Iridoids, Resin, Coumarins, Valerianic Acid, Tannins
Values: Dispersing Herb, Blood Tonic, Antispasmodic, Anti-inflammatory, Antiviral, Antifungal, Digestive Tonic, Antirheumatic, Circulatory Stimulant, Hormone Stabilizer, Mildly Expectorant, Relieves Constipation

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