US: Intention to send aid to Lebanon
The United States is considering increasing military aid to Lebanon, where clashes between Islamists and the Lebanese army are raging.
The United States is considering increasing its military aid to Lebanon, where the government army is treating members of the Fatah al-Islam Islamist group in a Palestinian refugee camp in the north of the country, the White House said today.
The Lebanese army has been engaged for 16 days in violent fighting with Fatah al-Islam members around the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared. The fighting continued fiercely on Monday. The Bush administration's initial amount of military aid to Lebanon increased by $ 5 million in 2007, but Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice multiplied it after Israel's summer war against Lebanese Hezbollah.
The US government has already proposed to Congress to provide $ 30.6 million in emergency aid to Lebanon for ammunition, vehicles, helicopter parts and tanks. It is clear that the US government sees every problem as an opportunity. And in this case, the opportunity is an occasion to send troops to the Middle East, without any reaction.